Gears For Careers

Fuss over quality

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High quality is rare these days and, therefore, being a stickler for quality will position you to stand out. Being prepared to fuss about the standards you espouse will not be easy, but worth it. Not only will it guarantee strong value, but personal and professional credibility enhancement. Here are some standard things to do;

Protect your defined standard: There’s no point in setting a standard if you’re going to ditch it when it feels convenient. Most people are going with good enough as a matter of course rather than the default. But the accepted standard in your environment need not be your highest; use that standard as the minimum and exceed it. While there are many times when ‘good enough’ is good, long time success requires a commitment to consistent high standards.

Say no to what does not give you power to deliver quality: Don’t agree to do things that will not give the leverage you need to do your bests. If you are an avid volunteer, raise your hand for things that give you adequate authority over how you’ll do it and the quality of results you’ll achieve. Believe in the high value you bring because of your standards and negotiate the authority to deliver it on those terms.

Know what you stand against: It’s normal to stand for something, but that does not automatically reflect what you stand against. Delivering high quality is also being clear about what you’ll not tolerate. What are personal rules that you’ll not break? What are you prepared to walk away from? Know these so that you can create the foundation to deliver something special.

Be ok to back the trend: When you make it your business to transcend what is the norm, you free yourself to step it up. Your goal should be to place a high value on what you do and deliver rather than be driven by what will be sanctioned by others as ok. Set your own boundaries and keep pushing those horizons. Your job isn’t to be necessarily conventional. Your job is to do your very best and to avoid stagnation.

Now take action: Define your highest standards for what you do and deliver on those.

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